Tanno Doldersum
Recruitment Consultant
E-mail: tannodoldersum@yer.nl
Tel: +31 (0)6 104 893 90
Location(s): Enschede

Together with the YER Digital Government team, I recruit talented IT people for government agencies and other employers, mainly in the east of the Netherlands. The candidates we place range from junior starters to experienced senior professionals. We recruit for positions in almost every branch of IT: cloud, software and infrastructure engineers, application managers, cyber security specialists, system administrators, and so on. We also support recent graduates in the first years of their careers through our Talent Development Programs. I find it so rewarding to guide a (starting) IT professional in their search for a first job or next career move. Committed to providing the best possible service, I do everything I can to help professionals achieve their ambitions. First, I find out what drives someone by asking the obvious question and also addressing the question behind the question. Then I match candidates with inspiring organizations where they can most effectively fulfilltheir potential.
Send Tanno a message
Discover how my specialist areas and services make your ambitions achievable: send your message via the contact form below. I like to hear from you.
See the vacancies from Tanno.