Jard Kamperman Leferink
Teamlead Technology
E-mail: jardkamperman@yer.nl
Tel: +31 (0)6 216 235 13
Location(s): Arnhem

I drew from my background in technical job placement to become a specialist in the fields of industry and machine building. Talking with technical professionals on a daily basis is something I do with pleasure, curiosity and drive. I fervently approach the market to provide companies with personnel, and professionals with challenging starter positions or an interesting next step in their careers.
I make sure that I’m physically visible to the client or organization and the candidate. I also enjoy delving into the finer details concerning an organization, a department or the colleagues a candidate will be working with. From the moment I draw up a list of what’s needed for the vacancy with the client, I start looking for suitable candidates. I then discuss my in-depth knowledge of the situation at the client with the candidate.
Send Jard a message
Discover how my specialist areas and services make your ambitions achievable: send your message via the contact form below. I like to hear from you.
See the vacancies from Jard.